Funeral Arrangements

The Funeral will be at 11:30am on the 14th March 2018, at St Winifred's Church at the following address:

St Winifred's Church

44 Mauldeth Rd
Heaton Mersey

There is a google map displayed at the base of this announcement showing exactly where the church is on the map.

For anyone who wishes to send flowers instead of making a donation to this tribute fund or bringing them to the funeral themselves, please send them to arrive no later than by 04:30pm on the 13th March 2018, which is the day BEFORE the funeral,  and send them to the following address (Thank You).

Mulligan's Funeral and Monumental Services

29-31 Gorton Road




14th March 2018 at 11:30 am
St Winifred's Church 44 Mauldeth Rd Heaton Mersey Stockport Cheshire SK4 3NB Get directions

People can choose whether to send/bring flowers or make a donation to this tribute fund. Tribute donations can be made with the online donate link or by lighting certain candles.